
Website design and web development pricing: Different values for web design and website development.

So let's look at the different types of budget that are presented in web design and what types of costs should be taken into account when creating websites.

When designing a web page or when you order it, many things will depend on how much it will cost. I hope that after this article you have a better idea about the price of website creation and the process gets a little clearer.

Currently, web design and development services are in high demand. It is true that more and more people and companies are starting to worry about their presence on the Internet. The web page itself, therefore, is already becoming something quite essential.

And how much does a web page cost?

In order to answer, you had to write this article with more than 5,000 words. Why so many words?

In fact, a web page does not have a universal cost. I can not tell you: "a webpage costs 500 euros and there is no more discussion".

The cost of a web page (or setting up a website, as I prefer to call it) will depend on many factors. You can compare it, for example, with the cost of buying a car. An SUV will be worth more than a small stroller for the big city, a Mercedes will be worth more than a Gol ...

So in addition to the basic equipment, you can add extra features which add costs, maintenance also has a cost, etc.

Well, with websites, pretty much the same thing happens. They differ in price and sometimes these differences can be huge. On the internet you will see offers of 100 euros, 500 euros, 5,000 euros and up to 50,000 euros for a web project. This can be very confusing.

My goal here is to analyze the different factors that influence the price of a website, answer common questions and, of course, give real budgets so you can better locate yourself in today's marketplace.

Let's go then!

Web design vs. Web development

When hiring a "web design" or "web development"service, there may sometimes be confusion due to the very name of the concepts.

From the experts' point of view, "design" and "development" can mean different things.

For example, some professionals will only understand by "web design" the graphic / visual part of the future site. And your job will be to create this visual representation of the site in Photoshop, Illustrator or other applications. But the result will not be an Internet-ready site.

So all the consecutive work of transferring this design to code, adding functionality, interactive elements, etc. It will be done separately. This is often called "web development".

The problem is that customers often don't know about these differences (and it's normal). The customer usually needs is a complete website that already works. And when you look for "designers" or "developers," you assume that what they offer is a "hands-on" site.

And while we may say that it is more the expert's responsibility to make everything clear to the customer, this is not always the case. Therefore, before hiring this type of service, it is always a good idea to ask the expert and be very clear about what exactly your job understands and what it offers as the end result.

In this article, I will not make much separation between the concepts of "design and development". When I look at prices, I will talk about creating "hands-on" sites with design, programming, and ready for launch.

Before evaluating the different options

Before you see the numerous options you have for getting a website, it is advisable to have these three points clear:

1. A clear idea of your website.

Think carefully about what your future site will look like (personal website, personal blog, online resume, portfolio, corporate website, online store, product landing page, web application, or something else?).

Think about what functions you really need on your site, how you want users to interact with your site.

What functions should be present, if or what? What functions may not be so important right now and could leave them for later?

2. The value of your site.

Also think about the value your web presence will give you.

What economic benefits do you associate with your future site? Will it create added value for your reputation, for your image? Will you create new opportunities for your business?

3. The management of your site.

Think about how you will manage your site when it is completed.

Do you always want to have full control over content? Do you have someone in your company who can update you on the web? Maybe you need someone outside to take over the whole administration?

All of this will help you face different options and offers. The reality of your business and your goals can make you more flexible or less flexible when deciding what money you can invest in your online presence.

It is important to be realistic. For example, if you are just starting out and it is more to see if a business idea starts or not, I would not recommend very expensive and personalized options.

On the other hand, if you have something well established and what you want is a powerful tool to generate more sales, it will probably be worthwhile to create a more elaborate website.

And even if you have to invest more money, you know that this investment will be able to be recovered.

What options do I have for website design and how much do they cost?

We start from the concept that you need a website, but you don't have much design and programming knowledge. You can go two ways:

1. Do it yourself

Let's see how you can create your own website even without special knowledge. It may be easier than you think and very cheap as well.

Drag-and-drop and similar platforms

You have heard of platforms like Wix. There you can actually create your web page without touching a single line of code. You just need your browser, a keyboard and a mouse.

Drag and drop services typically allow you to choose a ready-to-use design template. Generally, there are already elaborate options for the different types of business you may have: restaurant, hotel, legal services, hairdresser, etc. There are many.

Once you have chosen a template, you can simply drag your text blocks and images wherever you want, edit the content, place your logo, etc. Too easy.


Here are some platforms of this type:


  • wix.com
  • weebly.com
  • squarespace.com
  • jimdo.com
  • imcreator.com
  • unbounce.com
  • Etc.


  • You can create your own web page without having special knowledge.
  • You can easily manage your site and make changes if you need to.
  • You will not spend much money. There are totally free options with reduced functionality. You can also use these platforms without limitations for 5-20 euros / month with hosting and domain included. Exact pricing already depends on each platform and its service packages.


  • Reduced flexibility of these platforms to change designs and add functionality.
  • Different types of errors that can occur with layout and functionality, which will be almost impossible to fix because you do not have direct access to the codes.
  • Your site only exists on this platform. If you want to unsubscribe from the service or move the site to another platform, you will face certain complications.
  • As your need for the service increases and you decide to purchase a paid plan, they remain much more expensive than setting up your own site with WordPress on your own hosting. Wix doesn't even allow unlimited bandwidth or file storage.
  • I think some clients (like me) will be disappointed to see how much time and effort is left to make a project presentable.
  • As with other similar platform solutions, there are only a few features that can be added natively to the platform.
  • If SEO is essential to your long term marketing strategy, then Wix will be a deterrent as it offers no flexibility at this point.



Drag & drop platforms are improving every year, but so far they have very basic and limited web solutions. If your budget is almost nil, or your project has just started and you still don't know how it will go, such a platform may be an acceptable option.

However, see if you can invest a little more in your online presence, it is better to see other options for setting up your website..

Website creation based on a CMS template.

Downloading free templates or buying Premium templates made for different CMS platforms (eg WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.) or using e-commerce platforms (eg Shopify, Prestashop, Magento, etc.).

A template already has a design and is programmed to meet a number of goals. As with drag & drop platforms, you can find templates for different types of companies / projects.

It's also true that if you choose a popular platform like WordPress, for example, you'll have access to a huge community of developers who bring new site plugins and extensions every day. So your site functionality can be much more diverse than drag & drop platforms, limited by their integrated tools.

After you install a template, you can edit your content, add your own information, and have your site ready.

The editing process may seem a bit more complicated compared to drag and drop. You need to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Some, like WordPress, may seem easier and they also have many free tutorials. Others, like Drupal, are not very recommended for beginners.

With CMS models, you'll have more flexibility when making modifications compared to Drag and Drop. But sometimes it may require more special knowledge (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc.).

It's also true that with new plugins coming up, such as Visual Composer for WordPress or Divi Builder, it's becoming easier to make changes to templates by moving in this direction to the comfort of drag-and-drop platforms.

How much do models cost? Some are completely free. Others you can get for 25-70 euros, depending on the model and its functionality.

For this you have to add the value of your time that you will spend adapting the model.

With this option we can get a very professional looking website in exchange for a small investment. But we need time, and when it comes to customizing the web, we're always limited by our own knowledge.

2. Hire an expert.

If your intentions are a bit more serious and you need to create a quality online presence, the best option is to hire a specialist. A good expert will save you a lot of time and know how to best convey your ideas to the online world.

The price you will be charged for your services is usually based on 2 elements:

  • The estimated preparation time of your project and how the expert evaluates this time.
  • Other miscellaneous costs. There are other costs that the expert may have when developing a website (e.g., photographs of image banks, plugins, extensions, etc.)


You will find that in many cases, to create similar and even identical projects, different specialists will request different budgets.

Next, let's look at what additional factors may influence the final price of a site developed by an expert.

Factors that influence the price of a website.

Static vs. Website Dynamic site

Experts can offer a static or dynamic website. The main difference here is how to manage the site.

Static website

Before, static websites were the only option for everyone. They are called "static" because their content is controlled only by entering the code on each page and making changes manually.

preços de criação de páginas web estáticas

An example for you to better understand:

You have 5 different pages on your site. But they have one common element - the main navigation menu at the top. Suddenly you want to add a sixth page to your site and place a link to this page in the main menu. On a static site, you would have to go to each HTML file on your pages and on each page add this new link so that this menu change will be shown on each page of your site.

A static website can have a modern design and advanced features without any problem. In fact, visitors won't notice the difference compared to a dynamic site made for WordPress, for example.

But you, as a website administrator, will have a much harder time making any changes. You will have to access the codes if you control them.

Otherwise, you will always need the help of a professional who can make all the changes for you. It could be the same expert who made your site or someone who knows how to work with the technologies used. And he will charge you, of course.
Fewer people today are turning to static sites, as it is not easy to manage content easily.

As for the price: Static sites tend to be cheaper compared to dynamic sites. It is an additional task to program a website to work with a content manager. More work = more money.

he specialist who develops a static site will likely plan to charge for future site management, so the initial development price may be lower while you later retain it as a customer.

Dynamic website

With dynamic sites, I refer to sites that use content managers (CMS). The goal of a content manager is to make you more comfortable controlling your site. Here we talk about WordPress, Joomla, netCat, Drupal and other CMS. Each of these content managers have their advantages and disadvantages, but in this article I will not go into detailed comparisons, it is a subject for another separate article.

Today, most freelance agencies and experts already offer dynamic pages with a content manager, with WordPress being the most popular.

As for the price ... On the one hand, designing a WordPress site from scratch is more expensive in terms of development time, as we mentioned earlier. Therefore, the professional may charge more expensive than a static website.

The expert will also take into account that with a content manager you will not need its services so often, so they will want to charge you more for a project, but you save money on upgrades.

But it is also true that if development is based on a model already made (we will see later), you may still have a better price tag than with a custom static site.